Choreography and Direction: Hannah Ekholm & Faye Stoeser
Splice Performed by: Hannah Ekholm & Faye Stoeser
Rorschach material devised and performed by: Hannah Ekholm, Jasper Narvaez, Faye Stoeser
Original scores composed by: Floating Points
Lighting Design: Joshie Harriette
Costume Design Splice: George H Wale
Splice Costumes made by: George H Wale and Octavia Austin
Costume Design Rorschach: Saul Nash
Choreographic Facilitators: Kieran Lai, Dom Simpson, Jamal Sterrett
Rehearsal Director: Oliver Chapman
Dramaturgy: Jordan Chandler
Research Partner: Molly Macdonald
Photography: Jack Thomson
Trailer Creation: Genevieve Reeves

Run Time: 1 hour (including interval)

An exhilarating new double bill by choreographic duo Ekleido, Hannah Ekholm and Faye Stoeser, who are known for their work in contemporary dance and underground club dance scenes, features two new original scores by world-renowned electronic musician Floating Points, fresh from his critically acclaimed work with San Francisco Ballet earlier this year.

Opening the programme is Ekleido’s critically acclaimed Splice in which two dancers find the balance between limitation and possibility to solve a physical puzzle.

Completing the evening is the world premiere of Rorschach. Inspired by the Rorschach inkblot test, you will witness themes of human perception through live, moving adaptations of the mysterious inkblots formed by three dancers.

SPLICE | RORSCHACH will premiere at The Place on 5th November 2024.

If you are interested in programming Splice | Rorschach contact: ekleido@gmail.com
